
River Heights Teacher Honoured with Building Leaders Award

scottmeldrum-orange.jpgScott Meldrum, a Grade 4/5 teacher at River Heights School, is the recipient of a Loran Teachers Building Leaders Award, recognizing primary and secondary school teachers who provide early inspiration, guidance, and growth opportunities for Loran scholars.

“Scott cares deeply about not only his students’ academic success, but also building his students up. In truly getting to know who they are as people, he is able to support and guide them to discover their strengths and instill a belief and confidence in themselves that, for many students, will last a lifetime,” said David Gervais, Principal at River Heights School. “Scott is an inspiration for all of us. He truly cares about people, and he models this every day.”

The award is especially meaningful given that teachers are nominated by former students reflecting on the impact particular educators have had on their own leadership journeys. Meldrum was nominated by former student and 2017 Loran Scholar, Blair Crawford. A student-led honour such as the Loran Teachers Building Leaders award reflects Grand Erie’s culture of high expectations for both students and staff, monitoring, measuring, and reflecting on outcomes leading to personal and professional successes and achievement.

“We, as teachers, hope that what we do is making an impact in some small way, so I am honored to accept the award – it motivates me to push even harder and further with my teaching and support of the community,” said Meldrum, who has been teaching for 12 years, 10 of which have been at River Heights. “I’m grateful to be working in a great school, with a great staff, and with such a supportive parent community.”

Loran scholarships are also awarded to a very small number of students in Canada each year, recognizing well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically, but are engaged with their communities and demonstrate strong leadership skills.

“My hope is that all students find their passion, and strive to reach their personal potential – I hope that they know that I see them, I hear them, and I will work hard to help push them along in their journeys.”

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