
New Devices Empower Digital Learning, Collaboration and Skill-Building in Grand Erie 


additional 283 laptops have arrived at Caledonia Centennial Public School, Cayuga Secondary School and Lakewood Elementary School. The new computers, also known as HP ProBooks, are helping educators extend learning possibilities, streamline day-to-day operations and help students adapt to the ever-changing demands of today's digital world. 

ITS_NewLaptops-7275.jpgEach batch of laptops serves a diverse collection of needs, but there has been a notable improvement in the schools’ ability to administer online assessments.

The ProBooks offer flexibility in exploring innovative topics related to English, math, science, technology, geography and art in a way that sparks interest and curiosity. Classes can sign them out as needed, depending on the demands of the department or activity. 

"Lakewood was fortunate to receive 83 new devices! Classes now have greater access to devices for one-on-one use, allowing teachers to plan engaging lessons for all students. Our Lakers are creating music, coding in mathematics, developing presentations using online software and more," said Melanie Logan, the principal at Lakewood Elementary School.

As Grand Erie grows, additional devices provide schools with more frequent opportunities to run individual and whole-class activities, making them an optimal tool for collaborative learning and skill-building. In a world where digital skills are vital, enhanced technology empowers students to learn in a way that nurtures curiosity and opportunity now and in the future, in line with Grand Erie's multi-year plan.

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