
Above: Former Major Ballachey student and Canadian Veteran, Glenn Miller, shared his personal story, along with his knowledge of Major Ballachey.

Major Ballachey Public School Joins Canadian Military Memorials Database

FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 2022


head of Remembrance Day, Grand Erie is proud to share the news that Major Ballachey Public School has been added to the Canadian Military Memorials Database, a bank of more than 8,200 military memorials and monuments located across Canada.

The school was built in 1919, also known as ‘Peace Year,’ following the armistice of World War 1. This restored sense of peace was made possible by the many men and women who put their lives on the line, including Brantford’s own Major Panayoty Percy Ballachey. In honour of the school’s namesake, Grade 7 and 8 students set out to learn more about who he was and the legacy he left behind.

Above: Glenn Miller graciously provided Major Ballachey Public School with a collection of resources for future learning.

On November 8, Major Ballachey Public School was privileged to host Glenn Miller, a Canadian Veteran who served with the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Glenn currently serves as a volunteer contributor to the Memory Project, a bureau that arranges for veterans and Canadian Forces members to share their stories of military service at schools across the country.

As a former Major Ballachey student himself, Glenn was excited to share his personal story, along with his knowledge of Major Ballachey, highlighting Ballachey's contributions during the war and his involvement in public education as a trustee for the Brantford Board of Education.

Glenn graciously provided the school with a collection of resources for future learning, including a historical plaque detailing Major Ballachey’s life, commissioned by the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation. This plaque was accompanied by a series of books written by Jean Miso, Canadian author of six books about the Canadian Armed Forces.

Major Ballachey School commemorated Remembrance Day on Thursday, November 10, with a school-wide assembly to honor the service and sacrifice our veterans have made. This opportunity to explore details around Major Ballachey’s life and contributions, along with other aspects of Canadian history, supports Grand Erie’s learning priority to nurture curiosity and opportunity for each learner, in line with Grand Erie’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan.

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