Schools provide a safe and supportive learning environment for students, they are also welcoming and inclusive places for community members to come together, volunteer, build skills, access community programs and become physically active during non-school hours.
Schools provide a safe and supportive learning environment for students.

We’re here to help
The Grand Erie District School Board believes in supporting it’s communities by making the school board facilities available to the public and supports the Community Use of Schools Program that fosters partnerships and community relationships.
If you are interested in renting school space the How to Rent a Facility page of this website is an excellent starting point.
Please review the Community Use of School Handbook and Policy for additional information.
To book a permit, follow up on a permit, cancel a permit
Tel : 519-756-6301 ext. 281295
eMail : schoolrentals@granderie.ca
After Hours Emergency Contacts
Facility Access and Emergencies:
Tel : 519-756-6306,
Tel : 519-750-8033 if the number above is not working