Permit fees and purchased insurance are due at the end of the month in which the permit is approved.
All other fees (rental and custodial) are due at the end of each month that the fee is incurred.

Permit Fees
Custodial fees will include two and half hours in addition to the permit time to account for opening and closing procedures. When there are multiple permits during the same time, these fees will be shared between the permit.
Rental charges, which are reviewed annually, are subject to HST and are calculated as follows;
Permit Application Fee + Rental Fees + Custodial Fees (if applicable.)
Note: The Ministry of Education provides school boards with an annual Community Use of Schools grant which boards use to subsidize rental charges for not-for-profit organizations. While this program is in effect, Non-Profit Youth & Other (Type 1-A), Non-Profit Non-Youth (Type 1-B), and Non-Profit Other (Type 2) are eligible for subsidized rental rates; should this program end regular non-subsidized rates apply. To be eligible to be classified in a specific category documentation must be provided. Please refer to Availability & Priority of Use.
Additional Administrative Fees
Permit Alteration Fee – non-refundable permit change fee of $10 that will be charged to the permit for each requested change after the permit has been approved.
Payments can be made by Visa or Mastercard via your school rental booking account, or by eTransfer to cashreceipts@granderie.ca, please include your Name, Organization and Permit Number in the description. We also accept cash or cheque.
When will my credit card be charged? A Permit Application Fee is charged when an application is approved. If you are purchasing insurance, then the cost of the insurance and the Insurance Processing fee will also be charged when the application is approved.
Other administrative charges, such as Permit Alteration Fees, Cancellations Fees etc. are charged to your card on the last day of the month in which they were incurred. You can log into your account at any time to view your billing history or access an invoice or a payment receipt.