Elementary Students: 19,900
Secondary Students: 8,000
Secondary Students: 8,000
Total: 27,900
Full-Time Equivalent Number of Staff
Instructional staff: 1,831
Non-instructional staff: 1,017
Non-instructional staff: 1,017
Total: 2,848
Total Schools
Elementary Schools : 57
Secondary Schools: 14
Total: 71
Number of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students
Self-Id Total: 1,759
Tuition Agreement: 581
Tuition Agreement: 581
Graduation Rate
Secondary: 81.4%
Total: 81.4%
Operating Budget: $368.7 Million
Capital Budget: $26.5 Million
Total Budget: $395.2 Million
Trademark and Copyright
Both the Grand Erie District School Board logo, banner, and "Grand Erie" name have been certified in the Trade-marks Journals dated March 7, 2007; November 26, 2008; and November, 19, 2008 by the Registrar of Trade-marks under the Trade-marks Act.
The Grand Erie logo, banner and "Grand Erie" name are only for adoption and use in Canada by the public authority of the Grand Erie District School Board for wares and services.
As the sole owner of the intellectual property, the name "Grand Erie" is to be associated and used as the official name of the provincially designated district school board No. 23.