

Graduation Ceremonies – Clarification for families

Dear Grand Erie families,

We remain committed to celebrating this milestone achievement for our graduates, with the health and safety of everyone in mind, and would like to provide you with more information on what this means for Grand Erie.

At this moment, Ontario is at the stage which allows up to 10 people to gather outdoors. With the health and safety of students, families and staff in mind, Grand Erie will continue with existing graduation plans which include the following:

Grade 8 Graduations

To ensure the health and safety of our students, families and staff, and in accordance with Provincial and public health guidelines, Grade 8 graduation ceremonies will be celebrated virtually. Schools may also celebrate in other ways such as graduation lawn and/or display signs, contactless drive-through celebrations, video messages and more. This option was consulted on with public health and was deemed to be safe.

Schools will reach out to families with regards to a pick-up process for graduation awards and diplomas in accordance with public health guidelines, including social distancing, mask wearing and more. 

Grade 12 Graduations

All secondary graduation ceremonies will be held in the fall of 2021. At this moment, we continue to monitor and receive direction from the Province with regards in-person gatherings. As more people in the Province become vaccinated, we hope that Provincial guidance will allow for in-person gatherings in the fall. More information will be shared with families as they become available. 

We would like to thank our students, families and staff for their understanding and patience throughout these extraordinary times. We recognize that this is not the way we hoped to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates, but we know that our staff are busy going above and beyond to organize these graduation ceremonies to make them a special and memorable one.

Thank you.

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