The Grand Welcome Centre/Newcomers

The Grand Welcome Centre

Grand Erie District School Board is dedicated to providing culturally responsive services and programs for Multilingual Language Learners (MLLs) that will improve the school experience and success for all English language learning students.

The Grand Welcome Centre is a place where all students new to Canada, entering the Ontario school system for the first time, and their families are welcomed into the Grand Erie community.

To start the school registration process, families must make an appointment with The Grand Welcome Centre. Use one of the following:

Phone: 519-756-6301 ext. 281031 or toll-free 1-888-548-8878
Location: Joseph Brant Learning Centre, 347 Erie Avenue, Brantford

grand welcome centre

different languages greeting

What happens at the Welcome Centre?

  • If required, we provide newcomers with language and cultural interpretation.
  • We assess student’s current level of English language to make the appropriate program recommendations for student success.
  • We make recommendations to appropriate programs.
  • We introduce newcomer families and students to the Ontario Elementary and Secondary school system.
  • We set up an appointment with the school for registration and proper integration into the school.
  • A Settlement Officer from the YMCA’s Immigration Settlement Services:
  • Meets with parents and guardians to provide newcomer families information on community services and resources.
  • Helps families connect with services and agencies that can offer assistance.

Who should contact the Welcome Center?

  • Any elementary or secondary student new to Canada, entering the Ontario school system for the first time (Kindergarten to grade 12)
  • Any student from a French language school where French is their first language in the home
  • Any student arriving from a country where the first language is other than English
  • Any student arriving from an English-speaking country (such as: United States, England, Australia or New Zealand) and has spent less than two years in an English language school system
  • Canadian-born students who have moved to a country where English is not their first language and have re-entered Canada after two or more years

What documents do I need for my orientation or assessment?

Proof of Immigration Status:

Provide one of the following documents:

  • Passport
  • Permanent Resident Card or Landing Card
  • Work Permit
  • Student Visa
  • Refugee Status 


Provide proof of each of the following:

  • Date of birth (Birth Certificate if a passport is not provided)
  • Proof of Immunization
  • Proof of Home Address
  • School Transcripts (if available)