Secondary Registration
All secondary students who are new to Grand Erie or those who are moving between Grand Erie schools must register at your home school.
Note: You have the option to print this form and send it to us, or send it digitally. If you plan to send the form to us digitally, please open the registration form PDF directly in Adobe Reader in order to support digital signatures. PDF preview plug-ins for browsers often do not support digital signature signing, which is a requirement of Grand Erie.
Registration should be completed at your home school.
You must schedule your registration appointment directly with the school. Find school contact information here.
If you have questions, please reach out: or 519-756-6301 or 1-888-548-8878 (Toll Free).

Welcome to Secondary School Guide
Making the transition from elementary to secondary school is a big step for both students and parents/guardians. This publication will provide useful information for a smooth transition.