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What is Ramadan

Ramadan is a significant religious observance for members of the Muslim faith. This year Ramadan is expected to begin at sundown on Sunday, March 10th and end at sundown on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024. During this time, students may be fasting. This means that they may not eat from dawn to sunset. School administrators are reminded to respectfully consider all accommodation requests with respect to Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr (A Day of celebration and prayer on the day the fast is over).

How is Ramadan Celebrated

During the month of Ramadan, practicing Muslims will fast, take time to recite the Qur’an and pray. Fasting is a way of showing self-restraint, developing a closer relationship with Allah, and reflecting on your acts throughout the year. Fasting is not about losing weight or suffering. Muslims will eat during the hours of darkness, ensuring they are filling up on liquids, sugars and carbohydrates to see them through the daylight hours in the following day. While fasting, students will not drink or eat anything during the hours of sunlight. Some children may do half fasts if they are very young so they may eat during the day. Muslims will wake up to pray Fajr (the first of the five daily prayers before the sun rises), so students may be tired during the school day.