A Message from the Director of Education: Lead, Learn & Inspire Monthly Bulletin

Friday, Feb. 14, 2025

Grand Erie Families,

We have officially hit the halfway mark of the school year and secondary students have wrapped up Semester One and final assessments. Elementary report cards were sent home to provide valuable insights into student progress. Congratulations to all students on this milestone.

We are seeing significant results in math learning and achievement across the district. As this remains a focus and a priority, find this month's Family Math Newsletter, which includes resources, tips and practice math equations to support mathematics learning at home.

Throughout February, several significant days are recognized and celebrated, including Black History Month, Chinese New Year, Family Day, National Flag Day of Canada, Pink Shirt Day and Ramadan. Across Grand Erie, schools will recognize and respect these important dates in various ways that are important for many in our community.

The start of 2025 has not been quiet with events and accomplishments. Recently, Paris District High School hosted a Women in the Trades event to highlight the benefits of a career in skilled trades to local Grade 7 and 8 students. The Grand Erie Parent Involvement Committee hosted Dr. Andrew B. Campbell for a virtual session to discuss how Inclusion Begins at Home. We launched a first-of-its-kind partnership with Conestoga College to have a skilled trades hub within a high school.

Do you have a child or know someone with a child born in 2021? Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open. Kindergarten classrooms across Grand Erie are vibrant, engaging, inclusive spaces that foster children’s creativity and problem-solving abilities. To help with this major milestone, Grand Erie will host four Kick-start to Kindergarten events, showcasing kindergarten classrooms and educators, and bringing together services and resources and community partners.

Did you know that 19 absences equal 10 per cent of the school year? Research shows that academic success in school is directly related to student attendance. The Grand Erie Attendance Strategy will increase parent and caregiver awareness and engagement in supporting and promoting attendance, and support robust, inclusive and collaborative strategies to address complex barriers to student attendance.

Additionally, there have been requests regarding support and preparation outside of the classroom. Families can now access new EQAO resources and videos to support student success.

Each month, the Learn Lead Inspire Recognition Awards honour the students, staff members and community members whose daily efforts contribute to Grand Erie’s collective goals and priorities in building a culture of learning, well-being and belonging. On January 27, Carrie Swartz and the Toronto Holocaust Museum were recognized for their work, which embodies Grand Erie’s vision to learn, lead and inspire.

Grand Erie continues to build a culture where all students feel supported in their learning journeys.

Happy Valentine’s Day ~ Joyeuse Saint Valentin!

Wishing all Grand Erie families an amazing Family Day Weekend.

Dr. JoAnna Roberto, Ph.D
Director of Education and Secretary of the Board
Grand Erie District School Board

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