A Message from the Director of Education: Lead, Learn & Inspire Monthly Bulletin

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024
Learn Lead Inspire Monthly Bulletin


Grand Erie Families,

It has been a busy five weeks at the Grand Erie District School Board, with many exciting and important updates to share. This monthly message helps you recap recent news and plan for the weeks ahead.

Each month, the Learn Lead Inspire Recognition Awards honour the students, staff members and community members whose daily efforts contribute to Grand Erie’s collective goals and priorities in building a culture of learning, well-being and belonging. On September 23, Charlie Yetman, student at École Confédération, and Barkev Poladian, vice-principal at École Confédération, were recognized for their work which embodies Grand Erie’s vision to learn, lead and inspire.

At Grand Erie, math learning and achievement remain a focus and a priority. It reflects our collective commitment, from classroom teachers to senior leadership, to support math learning for all students. We're all in this together. Find this month's Family Math Newsletter, which includes resources, tips and practice math equations to support mathematics learning at home.

For the fourth year, as part of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, schools engaged in learning, dialogue and understanding. The province recently released EQAO results from the 2023-24 school year, and Grand Erie recapped them. I am proud of the collective effort of all Grand Erie staff for continued growth and student achievement.

New this year, to help prepare for the transition to high school, Grade 8 students and their families are invited to attend a secondary school You Belong Here Forum in October. These forums bring together secondary schools from each region to one spot and provide an opportunity to meet school staff, and learn about the various programs, courses and activities.

On November 5, the first Student Learning Support Day in first semester will take place to provide additional opportunities for students requiring further consolidation of learning to take part to meet their achievement goals. 

As we continue to build a culture of learning, well-being and belonging, I want to highlight School Mental Health Ontario for the resource library they continue to build for students and parents and caregivers. Together, we can support the mental health of every student.

We all know the power of words. A single word can inspire, motivate, and shift perspectives. Over the summer, I was inspired by the idea behind the book One Word That Will Change Your Life. My word is to actualize. I aim to bring to life the potential I see in schools, staff, and students. I encourage students, parents and caregivers and staff to think about their one word.

Dr. JoAnna Roberto,
Ph.D Director of Education and Secretary of the Board
Grand Erie District School Board

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