Child Care


The crucial early years of a child's life form a foundation for future success and achievement.

Grand Erie works with partners to ensure that an engaging, challenging and healthy environment for learning and growing is provided.

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group of kindergarten kids lying on the grass

Partnerships with licensed Child Care Centre's

Grand Erie is committed to building strong collaborative partnerships with licensed day care and before and after school programs, EarlyON Child and Family Centres, and authorized recreational programs to support students, families and communities. We recognize the need to have a shared understanding of our partnerships and mutual commitment to our families. 

Find other locations of Early Years Centres in Brant and in Haldimand and Norfolk.

EarlyON Child and Family Centres

EarlyON Child and Family Centres provide free drop-in opportunities for parents/caregivers and their children from birth to 6 years of age to participate in play and inquiry-based. Qualified professionals support parents and caregivers in their roles.

These Centres offer safe and welcoming environments open to all families across Ontario. There is no fee.

Find other locations of Early Years Centres in Brant and in Haldimand and Norfolk.


Day Care

Grand Erie recognizes the importance of quality care and growth in our young learners.

We supply space for third-party organizations within our community to provide a number of services for children who are not yet attending school.


Child playing on the floor

Day care facilities are located at:

Find other locations of  Early Years Centres in Brant and in Haldimand Norfolk.

Before and After School Programs

Before and After School programs provide children with more opportunities to learn and grow outside of regular school hours. Third-party, not-for-profit agencies operate many programs in Grand Erie schools for children from Kindergarten to Grade 6. 

If a Before and After School program is not currently available to your school community and you could make use of these services, please speak with your school administrator.  Grand Erie staff will work with local Children's Services representatives to identify options for communities where need is identified and a program would be viable.


Children playing with sand

The following providers in Grand Erie offer programming:

  • Boys and Girls’ Club
  • Burford Co-op
  • Christ the King Day Care Centre
  • Community Support Centre Haldimand-Norfolk
  • Today's Family
  • Paris Child Care
  • Parkway Daycare
  • St. George Children's Centre
  • YMCA
  • YWCA

Click the following link for more information about the Before and After programs and fees currently available:

 Before and After School Programs - 2024-25

Learn how to apply for fee subsidies for extended day and/or third-party programs:

 Haldimand-Norfolk Subsidy information
 Brant/Brantford Subsidy information