
Media Release

For immediate Release

Mid-Term Update: Grand Erie Building a Culture of Learning, Well-Being and Belonging

TUESDAY, APR. 12, 2022

Brantford, Ont. – On Monday, March 28, Grand Erie staff presented the Mid-Term Update to the Board of Trustees, highlighting results-based advances made on the Board’s goals to learn, lead and inspire. The report is a synopsis of progress made at the mid-point of the school year and showed gains in student success and staff learning.

The Mid-Term Update connects directly to the Board’s Annual Learning and Operating Plan 2021-22 and its new Multi-Year Strategic Plan, both delivered in September 2021. The presentation included both an Update document and staff from across the district sharing stories of what it looked like as the board’s strategies were translated into action in Grand Erie schools.

“The Board of Trustees was very pleased to receive this update and listen to exemplary stories of learning staff presented,” said Susan Gibson, Chair of the Board of Trustees. “It was truly inspirational to read and hear how our staff, students and communities are working together, making gains in supporting the learning, well-being and sense of belonging for every learner.”

Grand Erie's goals, and the Mid-Term Update, are tied directly to three priorities of Learning, Well-Being and Belonging.

Learning: Mid-year math results showed progress in all the primary and intermediate elementary grades. Grade 9 math results were especially strong. Literacy results are trending upward in the focus grades of 1-3. Credit accumulation for secondary students is showing signs of improvement, with especially strong results in grade 10.

Well-Being: Educators and specialized staff from across Grand Erie have been engaging in professional development to strengthen their abilities to support student mental health. More than 530 classrooms have received focused and effective programs supporting social-emotional learning and mental health literacy.

Belonging: An Equity Advisory Group has been formed, and equity focus groups delivered to support the development of an Equity Action Plan to eliminate barriers to learning and well-being. The Indigenous Education team is helping Grand Erie rise to meet its Truth and Reconciliation commitments, supporting cultural understanding across the district and championing Indigenous language learning.

“We were proud to deliver this Update to the Board of Trustees, and it’s evidence of the passion and dedication of all our educators and administrators,” said JoAnna Roberto,

Director of Education. “My thanks to all our staff, the leadership team and Board of Trustees for their commitment to our vision to learn, lead, and inspire and to student success in every school.”

See the full Mid-Term Update on Grand Erie’s website.

Grand Erie District School Board represents more than 25,000 students in 58 elementary schools and 14 secondary schools within the City of Brantford and the counties of Brant, Haldimand, and Norfolk as well as students from Six Nations of the Grand River and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. With a dedicated staff of more than 2,500, Grand Erie is committed to learning, leading and inspiring. 

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Grand Erie Communications
Grand Erie District School Board
349 Erie Avenue, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 5V3

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