
Media Release

For immediate Release

Grand Erie Schools Prepared for Return to In-Person Learning

FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 2022

Grand Erie schools are prepared for a return to in-person learning, following new provincial guidance and putting processes in place to support health, safety and learning.

“We are looking forward to welcoming students back to in-person learning,” said JoAnna Roberto, Director of Education at Grand Erie. “Our principals, vice-principals, educators and staff will be working together with families to support building a culture of learning, well-being and belonging in as safe an environment as possible.”

Some changes students and families will see include:

  • Enhanced daily screening, with daily reminders and confirmation of screening
  • Enhanced masking options for staff
  • A return to some enhanced cohorting measures, including a focus on maintaining cohorting at recess and breaks, as possible
  • Multi-cohort activities that include increased risks of transmission will be paused (e.g., choir ensembles, intramurals, athletics)
  • 45 additional HEPA filters are being installed – adding to ventilation-enhancement measures that already meet Ministry requirements

"Our principals, vice-principals, educators and staff will be working together with families to support building a culture of learning, well-being and belonging in as safe an environment as possible."

JoAnna Roberto


Families should follow the screening process carefully, as it has been updated with more sensitive symptom information and new isolation requirements for symptomatic individuals and their household.

All students from K-12 must continue to wear masks. The Province has supplied three-ply cloth masks that will be available for students who may need them. All staff will have the option to wear non-fit tested N95 masks that have been supplied by the Province.

The Province has directed all boards to report when an absence threshold of 30 per cent has been reached. Grand Erie will be posting statistics on absences based on illness daily on our website to help keep parents informed. If absences reach 30 per cent greater than the baseline of absences for any individual school, families and our local public health units will be advised.

An initial quantity of rapid antigen tests have been received from the Province, and Grand Erie is distributing these to all schools, with a focus right now on elementary schools. The initial goal is to provide two tests for every student and staff member.

If parents or guardians wish to have their child in temporary remote learning, their child can continue to log into their current Brightspace classroom for asynchronous learning activities.  Their classroom teacher will connect with them periodically while they are learning remotely.  Further inquiries can be made through the school principal.

Grand Erie’s website has more detailed information for families on guidelines for the return to in-person learning.

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Grand Erie Communications
Grand Erie District School Board
349 Erie Avenue, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 5V3

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