

Resources for all those impacted by the tragic discovery in Kamloops, BC

Hello Grand Erie Families,  

It has recently come to our attention that a couple of urgent messages to families of our district did not reach your homes. We would like to first of all reiterate and acknowledge the grief felt by Indigenous Communities across Turtle Island with the most recent tragedy uncovered in Kamloops BC. Our hearts continue to ache for those affected by the trauma and those who have had experience as a result of residential school attendance. We send our condolences to the families directly affected by the recent finding of 215 children at the residential school grounds in Kamloops. 

We know this communication may be reaching you in an untimely manner, but we felt it important to share the efforts of administrators, senior team individuals and support staff within the Grand Erie District School Board.  All board and school flags were lowered to half mast from May 31st for 9 days to honour the 215 lives lost at the residential schools. As well, moments of silence were honoured at the board meeting and several events to recognize this tremendous loss.  

This is a devastating loss to comprehend, and is especially traumatic for people from Six Nations and Mississaugas of the Credit, who are thinking about their loved ones and their experiences with the Mohawk Institute. It is imperative that we understand how this trauma has an ongoing, intergenerational impact on the lives and well-being of our students, staff and families. 

It is with great regret that as a board many of these communications that should have been shared with you as parents did not reach your eyes and for that we do apologize.  Moving forward we will work on improving our lines of communication in an effort to reach all audiences in a more effective manner. Again, our deepest condolences are sent to all Indigenous families who are suffering this loss and are hopeful to provide continued support as needed. 

Should you require support, please reach out to your school principal. As well, the National Indian Residential School Crisis Line provides 24/7 support for residential school survivors and others who are affected: 1-866-925-4419. 

Below are some community and National resources available to help support the mental health and well-being of our students, staff and families.

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