
McKinnon Park Student Receives Canadian Student Leader Award

Ambis-Brooklyn.jpgBrooklyn Ambis of McKinnon Park Secondary School (MPSS) was one of 12 recipients of the Canadian Student Leader Awards this year. Recipients are recognized for their outstanding achievement and contribution to student leadership in secondary school and receive an award of $500.

During her four years at MPSS, Brooklyn worked diligently to improve school spirit and represent the student body through her work on Students’ Council. She began serving as an executive member in her Grade 9 year. In Grade 11, she served as the school Prime Minister. During Grade 12, she held an advisory position as past Prime Minister.

Brooklyn has helped organize intramural tournaments, spirit weeks, and welcoming events. She always displayed the exceptional characteristic of leading her team from the floor, where it was serving food at the drama dinner theatre night or running coat check at a school dance. Brooklyn has served as an exceptional role model to younger students just beginning their leadership development.

The Canadian Student Leadership Association (CSLA) is a national organization that supports secondary students who are actively engaged in their schools and communities, contributing to the betterment of society. McKinnon Park Secondary School has been a CSLA member for several years through their Students’ Council. As a member school, council students are given the opportunity each year to apply for a CSLA Scholarship.

Students complete an application process identifying the ways in which they have served their school through their leadership development. They must be supported with a letter of recommendation from a teacher advisor. One deserving student is chosen from each province and territory each year.

Congratulations to Brooklyn on her award! This is a tremendous achievement and all of Grand Erie is proud.

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