

Director’s Message:
Congratulations Class of 2021

Congratulations! You’ve made it!

Roberto_JoAnna-wType.jpgAs we wrap up a school year that has been like no other, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize and celebrate all the students in Grand Erie’s 2021 graduating class. Whether you’re finishing Kindergarten, Grade 8, Grade 12, or any milestone in between, your families, your teachers, and everyone in the Grand Erie community is very proud of you.

Over the past year, I have been in awe of how our graduating class has stepped up time again to persevere in their learning and personal growth, support their fellow students, and help out their communities. Amid the challenges of a global pandemic, we have seen how exceptional students can truly be during exceptional times. Grand Erie students have made their own spotlight, blazed their own trail, and found their own voice in a year of constant change.

In the words of the great Martin Luther King Jr., “Intelligence plus character – that is the true goal of education.” Class of 2021, you have shown true character and excellence ten times over because you’re standing here today, ready to take on new challenges and move onto the next chapter of your lives. And although we cannot mark this occasion the way we hoped for – surrounded by friends, mentors, and loved ones – we are proud to stand with you as you look to the future with great hopes and even greater dreams.

I would also like to take a moment to recognize our outstanding principals, teachers, and school staff who have gone above and beyond to make sure students have a memorable graduation this year. From organizing virtual ceremonies to putting up colourful lawn signs, you have found creative and meaningful ways to celebrate Grand Erie graduates and their many achievements. Grand Erie is incredibly lucky to have so many remarkable teaching staff and support staff members dedicated to our schools and to students, and we are immensely grateful for all those who make Grand Erie a special place for students and their families.

To all Grand Erie graduates, you have achieved a great milestone today. We wish you every success in your future endeavours and we know you will make us proud.

Once again, congratulations to the Class of 2021!


JoAnna Roberto
Director of Education
Grand Erie District School Board.

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