
Delhi District Student Recognized for Outstanding Artistic Achievement and Community Contributions

Christian-McCall-SR1[4].jpgA recent artistic achievement for Christian McCall, Grade 12 student at Delhi District Secondary School, has been approximately 500 million years in the making. McCall’s long-time fascination with pre-historic lifeforms combined with a creative eye and artistic talent, has led to a unique commission from the Royal Ontario Museum. Earlier this spring, McCall was commissioned to complete an artistic rendering of two ancient sea-floor species who survived through a symbiotic relationship – evidence uncovered in a recent fossil discovery in British Columbia. The artistic reconstruction of the species he completed will accompany an exhibit at the ROM, and was included in a recent CBC news feature.

Christian has demonstrated a high level of skill in drawing, painting, and sculpture over the course of his secondary school career, and hopes to continue combing this talent with his love and knowledge of paleontology. His medium of choice has been digital painting, working from scratch on a tablet to develop accurate, scientific-based paleo art that is truly on a professional level. As his art teacher, Richard Delaney, points out, some people are fortunate to be artistically talented, but lack a muse to drive their creative abilities; Christian has both the skills and the muse.

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