

COVID-19 Outbreak Declared at Grand Erie Facility Maintenance Building

Today, April 20, the Brant County Health Unit declared a COVID-19 outbreak at the Grand Erie facility maintenance building at 349 Erie Avenue in Brantford.

As outlined in the Ministry of Education’s Operational Guidance, an outbreak is defined as two or more lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in students and/or staff in a school with an epidemiological link, within a 14-day period, where at least one case could have reasonably acquired their infection in the school.

News of the second COVID-19 case at the facility maintenance building came on April 19. The first case was identified on April 18. No other buildings at the 349 Erie Avenue location are impacted.

Understandably, for privacy reasons, the identity of these COVID-19 cases will not be disclosed. These individuals have been directed by the health unit to self-isolate, along with any family members who reside in the same household.

Upon receiving this news, Grand Erie immediately shared the contact information of the students and staff initially identified by the health unit as close contacts to these COVID-19 cases. Within 24-48 hours, the Brant County Health Unit and Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit were in contact with these individuals as they worked through their contact tracing. The health units provided further direction and next steps to these individuals, including confirmation of their isolation period. If additional students or staff are impacted, the health units will advise as soon as possible.

The building remains closed except for circumstances where staff, with supervisor approval, are required to enter the building to complete essential work. Grand Erie custodians continue to complete their disinfecting each night.

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