
Grand Erie News Archive - 2020

A unique project in Simcoe Composite School’s World Cultures class this semester has raised awareness and generated conversation around an important national issue, and resulted in a thought-provoking display outside the library that is getting the rest of the school talking as well.
At Burford District Elementary School, students are consistently being challenged to consider ways to help their communities and take their learning out into the world.
A trip to a Brantford landmark for students in Grades 6 and 7 at Princess Elizabeth Public School this spring turned into a neat opportunity to make Mother’s Day truly special. Students visited the Bell Homestead, a national historic site due to Alexander Graham Bell having fine tuned his invention of the telephone there, and made a positive impression resulting in a unique volunteer role.
It’s Bike to Work Week, a regional initiative to encourage all of us to rely less on our vehicles, promote health and fitness, and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors as we traverse from point A to point B, and beyond.
Although Educational Assistant (EA) Appreciation Day is officially celebrated on April 3 each year, not a single day goes by that Cayuga Secondary School doesn’t feel gratitude and appreciation for the incredible contributions its EAs make.
It’s just before 8 a.m. in the Hospitality and Tourism program’s kitchen at Tollgate Technological Skills Centre, and Ryan Rockefeller, Food Technician with the program, is turning up the tunes. Familiar rock songs from the ‘70s soon fill the space and transform the sleepy energy before students arrive.
Registration is now underway for Summer School 2019. Courses for students in Grades 6-12 will be offered this July through Grand Erie District School Board. Students can earn a full credit, change to a different pathway, recover an unsuccessful course or improve marks.
Grand Erie District School Board’s Director of Education, Brenda Blancher, is the 2018-19 recipient of the Above and Beyond award, a prestigious recognition chosen by the Grand Erie Ontario Principal Council’s executive.
With a kit of specialized Lego pieces and only their imaginations limiting them, students at Delhi Public School have been hard at work the last few months solving a pressing problem facing humanity: how to live and flourish on the moon.
The final brick was laid to officially complete Mapleview Elementary School on Friday, and it was a significant one – emblazoned with the year 2018, placed with the assistance of students from each grade, and with a time capsule concealed behind it for future generations to discover.

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