
Walking for Water as a Human Right at Woodman-Cainsville Public School

As students in the WE Club at Woodman-Cainsville Public School learned more about the clean water crisis in the developing world this past year, they wanted to do something to help the situation.

“This is a group of students that takes social justice very seriously,” said Diannah Dean, Principal at Woodman-Cainsville of the 26 students in Grades 4-7 who make up the club. “Rather than just learning and talking about it, they wanted to actually do something to raise awareness and make a tangible contribution towards a solution.”

So, instead of just talking the talk, the students set out to walk the walk – literally.

On Friday, June 14, with teachers and parent volunteers, the students embarked on a journey through the city of Brantford which took them to 11 area schools, with older students covering an incredible 44 kilometers over the course of the day. Along the way, they spread the message that having access to clean water is a basic human right.

“The idea was to raise money while experiencing something similar to what women in the developing world experience regularly: covering long distances with heavy loads, all in an effort to bring clean, safe drinking water to their communities,” explains Dean.

As the group made stops at other Grand Erie schools, students and staff cheered them on, and administrators signed the banner they carried with them, providing a big boost to spirits during the all-day walk. As a result, students raised nearly $500, and a whole lot of awareness about this growing problem around the world.

Community connections are an important component of Grand Erie’s Multi-Year Plan, fostering and celebrating the out-of-classroom experiences which contribute to and enhance student learning.

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