Boundary Review
A Boundary Review has been completed to address school capacity pressures as a result of population growth in the Paris area.
The schools involved in the review included: Burford District Elementary School, Cobblestone Elementary School, Glen Morris Central Public School, North Ward School, Paris Central Public School, Paris District High School and St. George-German Public School
A Boundary Review Special Ad Hoc Committee lead the process, which included multiple meetings and various opportunities for public input. You can find documents and meeting information here.
Their boundary change recommendations were approved by the Board of Trustees on February 27, 2023
Boundary changes
As of September 2023, the Paris Central Public School French Immersion (FI) program which currently accommodates Grades 6-8 will be relocated to Burford District Elementary School. Burford District Elementary School will become a K-8 dual track FI facility. This will add approximately 60 students to Burford District Elementary School’s enrolment.
As of September 2023, Paris Central Public School students residing north of Paris Links Road and including what has been identified as Holding Zone 1 (see holding zones map below) will be redirected to North Ward School. This impacts less than 5 existing students.
As of September 2023, rural Cobblestone Elementary School students residing in the area north of Powerline Road, south of German School Road, east of Willow Street, and west of Oak Park Road/Kitchen School Road will be redirected north to Glen Morris Central Public School. This impacts approximately 20 students. Part of St. George-German Public School’s boundary will be changed as well but this change does not affect existing students at St. George-German Public School.
As of September 2023, Cobblestone Elementary School students residing in the area north of Catherine Street, south of Grand River Street South, and west of the Grand River will be redirected north to Paris Central Public School. This impacts approximately 75 students.
As of September 2023, rural Cobblestone Elementary School students residing south of Highway 403 will be redirected south to Burford District Elementary School. This impacts less than 5 existing students.
As of September 2023, rural Cobblestone Elementary School students residing in the area south of Powerline Road, from Bishops Gate Road to Oak Park Road, as well as the area north of Powerline Road, south of Governor’s Road West, east of Bishop’s Gate Road/Puttown Road, and west of Cleaver Road will be redirected to North Ward School. This impacts approximately 20 students.
This is a total of approximately 63 students moving from Paris Central Public School and 117 students moving from Cobblestone Elementary School.
Any 2022-23 Grade 6 and 7 students impacted by the boundary changes (with the exception of those in the French Immersion program) have the option to remain at their current school.
This map shows the new boundaries for these schools.

Capacity Impacts
These tables show how these new changes will relieve capacity pressures.
Current enrolment and utilization (OTG = “on the ground” student capacity)
School | OTG | Oct. 31,2022 Enrolment | Oct. 31,2022 Utilization | Surplus Space |
Burford District Elementary School | 541 | 431 | 80% | 110 |
Cobblestone Elementary School | 536 | 647 | 121% | -111 |
Glen Morris Central Public School | 222 | 183 | 82% | 39 |
North Ward School | 504 | 420 | 83% | 84 |
Paris Central Public School | 259 | 235 | 91% | 24 |
St. George-German Public School | 479 | 409 | 85% | 70 |
Paris District High School | 948 | 896 | 95% | 52 |
Total | 3,489 | 3,221 | 92% | 268 |
Impact of boundary changes on enrolment and utilization (OTG = “on the ground” student capacity)
School | OTG | Final Recommended Enrolment | Final Recommended Utilization | Surplus Space |
Burford District Elementary School | 541 | 492 | 91% | 49 |
Cobblestone Elementary School | 536 | 530 | 99% | 6 |
Glen Morris Central Public School | 222 | 203 | 91% | 19 |
North Ward School | 504 | 444 | 88% | 60 |
Paris Central Public School | 259 | 247 | 95% | 12 |
St. George-German Public School | 479 | 409 | 85% | 70 |
Paris District High School | 948 | 896 | 95% | 52 |
Total | 3,489 | 3,221 | 92% | 268 |
If you have any questions about these changes and their impacts, please contact your school.