2024-25 Budget

2024-25 Approved Budget

On June 24, 2024, the Board approved the 2024-25 operating budget of $397.3 million and capital budget of $23.5 million.

Under the terms of the Education Act, school boards must approve and submit a balanced budget to the Ministry of Education before June 30.

The 2024-25 budget is the first year of the updated Ministry funding model. Introduced to guide school boards’ 2024-25 budget development, Core Funding in Education (CORE) provides funding allocations to support teacher and staff salaries, classroom materials and resources, school maintenance and operational costs, curriculum development and student transportation.

The 2024-25 budget development focused on the goals and priorities embedded in Grand Erie’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan of Learn, Lead, and Inspire. Some funding sources are restricted to certain programs and must be used solely for their designated purposes. Special Education, Indigenous studies, Student Mental Health and Well-Being, and Responsive Education Programs are examples of allocations that are subject to spending restrictions.

Increased enrolment generated an additional $12.8 million in funding. Grand Erie directed this additional revenue as follows:

  • Classroom staffing increased by 49 FTE teachers
  • 7 FTE Early Childhood Educators were hired to support early learning
  • Additional investment to increase Educational Assistants by 15 FTE.
  • Non-classroom support staff increased by 13.5 FTE.
  • An approved capital budget of $23.5 million supported by funding from:
    • $18.8 million from School Condition Improvement funding,
    • $3.1 million from the School Renewal Allocation
    • $1.6 million from funding which supports Tangible Minor Capital Assets 

Message from Chair of the Board and Director of Education

“We’re pleased to endorse this budget for the 2024-25 school year. It reaffirms our commitment to build a culture of learning, well-being and belonging to inspire every learner. Investments in schools and classrooms emphasize our unwavering commitment to high-quality education, safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments for learning and working, and a focus on future resource stability and fiscal responsibility. This budget reflects input and effort from across the district. A record public response to Grand Erie’s Budget Survey, from staff and partners, and guidance from leadership and Trustees all shaped these investments.”

Additional information is available in the 2024-25 Budget Book

Board Chair and Director of Education Signature

Key Information from the 2024-25 Budget:

  • Core Ed benefits benchmarks do not provide offsets to government-imposed increases to statutory benefits such as the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI).
  • Core Ed non-salary benchmarks (technology, textbooks, materials, etc.) also have not increased, and prices in these areas continue to rise because of inflation.
  • The Safe and Clean Schools Supplement has also been discontinued, resulting in a reduction of $268,000.
  • Capital funding has been renamed to the Building, Expanding and Renewing Schools (BERS).
  • Third Party Funding has been renamed Funding for External Partners (FEP). A $1 per hour increase in education worker salary benchmarks in the 2024–25 school year over the 2023–24 school year. This reflects the ratified Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Ontario Council of Educational Workers (OCEW) and the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) education workers’ central agreements. 
  • A 1.25% increase for teacher and non-union salary benchmarks in the 2024–25 school year over the 2023–24 school year as a labour provision. 
  • Employee Life and Health Trust benefits funding amounts are being adjusted for CUPE, OCEW, ETFO teachers and education workers to reflect the negotiated increases for the 2024–25 school year as part of their 2022-26 central terms.
  • The Ministry has begun a five-year phase-in for 2021 Statistics Canada census data. 
  • The Supports for Students Fund (SSF) is continuing for the 2024-25 school year and is expected to be in place for 2025-26 as well.
  • The Ministry is providing a 2 percent cost update to the non-staff portion of the School Operations Allocation benchmark in the School Facilities Fund to assist school boards in managing the increases in commodity prices.

Financial Challenges 2024-25 Budget

  • Compliance with collective agreements
  • Variance in enrolment projections
  • Costs associated with employee absenteeism and challenges with staffing system with qualified replacement, labour shortage
  • Impact of volatility on utility pricing and consumption
  • Ministry overhaul of the funding policies

Background and resources

Grand Erie District School Board represents 27,900 students in 58 elementary and 14 secondary schools within the City of Brantford and the Counties of Brant, Haldimand, and Norfolk, as well as students from Six Nations of the Grand River and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.

Enrolment is the primary factor for funding for Grand Erie. The funding is calculated based on the Average Daily Enrolment (ADE) of pupils enrolled on two Ministry-selected count dates: October and March.


Summary of Enrolment2023-24 Estimate2024-25 EstimatesChange
Elementary ADE for Grant19,20019,900700
Secondary ADE for Grant & Tuition7,8008,000200
Grand Total ADE27,00027,900900


The dashboard below provides a snapshot of the revenues, expenditures and accumulated surplus year over year.  


($Figures In Thousands)23-24
Variance $ Increase
Variance % Increase
Provincial Grants (Core Ed)326,458345,14818,6905.7%
Grants for Capital Purposes5,6734,408-1265-22.3%
Other Non-Core Ed Grants7,41119,22811817159.5%
Other Non-Grant Revenues9,1309,3982682.9%
Amortization of DCC20,04519,119-926-4.6%
Total Revenue368,717397,30028,5837.8%
Salaries & Wages244,397270,94126,54410.9%
Employee Benefits42,35546,3033,9489.3%
Staff Development1,1601,879718.96562.0%
Supplies and Services24,48626,8352,3499.6%
Interest Charges on Capital4,0282,941-1,087-27.0%
Rental Expense209169-40-19.0%
Fees and Contract Services25,87727,9522,0758.0%
Other Expenses5,620495-5,125-91.2%
Total Expenditures368,717397,30028,5837.8%
In-Year Surplus (Deficit)
Prior Year Accumulated Surplus for compliance9,48711,1111,62517.13%
Accumulated Surplus (Deficit) for compliance9,48711,1111,62517.13%