Parent Council 2020-21

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Community Rep.
  • Teacher Rep

Our Accomplishments

As a collaborative school community, we are proud to note that the following initiatives have been funded by our Edith Monture Lighthouse Parent's Council:


  • $3,000 contribution toward Literary Place books for primary grades (through Scholastic)
  • $3,000 contribution to the gr 7 and 8 science and guitar programs
  • $3,000 contribution to the Gr 6. Literacy program.
  • $2,000 kindergarten listening centres
  • $2,500 for projector units for each grade, portable computer lab (50% of one cart)


  • Trees for the playground
  • Soccer goal posts
  • Painting of games on the tarmac
  • Bike racks
  • Architect drawings for the playground
  • $5,000 contribution to the playground fund account, which was matched by the school board


  • Literacy and Technology resources

Edith Monture Parents Group is always on the lookout for new ideas to fundraise. If you have any ideas that you would like to pass on, please forward to us via a member of the group, or the office, or Facebook.