Caledonia Centennial

"Cougar Strong" / "Nous sommes forts comme un Puma"

Our school colours are blue and gold.



Student Handbook and School Procedures

At Caledonia Centennial School and throughout Grand Erie School Board we value and foster these Character Attributes:

  • Respect: Treat yourself, others and the environment with dignity and reverence.
  • Integrity: Be honest, sincere, trustworthy and reliable. Ensure actions and words align.
  • Responsibility: Be accountable to yourself, family and friends. Be dependable. Share, give and volunteer in your community.
  • Perseverance: Act with courage, tenacity, determination and with a commitment to hard work. Never give up. Believe in yourself. Try your best.
  • Compassion: Demonstrate kindness, care and thoughtfulness. Empathize with others.
  • Humility: Be humble and recognize your limitations. Strive for mutual benefit.
  • Inclusiveness: Create an environment where we honour differences and diversity. Be fair and equitable.


Grand Erie’s Code of Conduct reflects the Provincial Code of Conduct and recognizes that everyone has the right to be safe and to feel safe in their school community. As well, Grand Erie recognizes that it is the responsibility of all individuals to contribute to a positive school climate, and to maintain an environment where conflict and differences can be addressed in a matter characterized by respect and civility. All members of the school community are expected to create a positive school climate in schools and at the school Board, in which responsibility, and civility are modeled and promoted.


The Grand Erie District School board and Caledonia Centennial School support the provincial standard of behavior which include all of our Character Attributes.


  • To demonstrate care and commitment to academic excellence and a safe teaching/learning environment;
  • To act as role models and to hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour;
  • To maintain a consistent standard of behaviour respectful of human rights of all participants;
  • To communicate regularly and meaningfully with all members of the school community;
  • To demonstrate respect for all students, staff and parents; To prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship.


  • To attend school prepared, on time, and ready to learn;
  • To show respect for themselves, others and to those in authority;
  • To refrain from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others.
  • To follow established rules and take responsibility for their actions.


  • To show an active interest in their child’s school work and progress;
  • To communicate regularly with school personnel;
  • To help their child be neat, appropriately dressed and prepared for school;
  • To ensure their child attends school regularly and on time;
  • To promptly report to the school their child’s absence or late arrival;
  • To become familiar with the Code of Conduct and school rules, and assist their child in following these rules of behavior.


“Bullying” means the severe or repeated use by one or more pupils of a written, verbal, electronic or other form of expression, a physical act or gesture or any combination of them if it is directed at another pupil and if it has the effect of or is reasonably intended to have the effect of,

  • (a) causing physical or emotional harm to the other pupil or damage to the other pupil’s property,
  • (b) placing the other pupil in reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself or damage to his or her property,
  • (c) creating a hostile environment at school for the other pupil,
  • (d) infringing on the legal rights of the other pupil at school, or
  • (e) materially and substantially disrupting the education process or the orderly operation of a school; (“intimidation”)


Bullying includes bullying, known as cyber-bullying, that is done through any form of electronic means using any technique, including,

  • (a) creating a web page or a blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person;
  • (b) impersonating another person as the author of posted content or messages; and
  • (c) communicating material to more than one person or posting material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons.

Bullying in schools

Legislation states that bullying shall be deemed to occur in a school if it occurs,

  • (a) on a school site or public property within 50 meters of a school site;
  • (b) during the course of an activity, function or program that is conducted for a school purpose, whether or not it takes place at a school site;
  • (c) through the use of technology or an electronic device provided to pupils by a school; or
  • (d) through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not provided to pupils by a school if the bullying has the effect of or is reasonably intended to have the effect described in clause (c), (d) or (e) of the definition of “bullying” in subsection (1).


Grand Erie District School Board takes a progressive discipline approach to promote positive student behaviour. Progressive discipline is a whole school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports and consequences that include opportunities for reinforcing positive behaviour while helping students make good choices. A progressive discipline approach includes: early and ongoing intervention strategies addressing inappropriate behavior opportunities for students to learn from choices.


  • Weapons: all students must: not be in possession of any weapon not use any object to threaten or intimidate another person not cause injury to any person with an object
  • Alcohol and Drugs: all students must: not be in possession or under the influence of or provide others with, alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Physical Aggression: all students must not inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person.


As part of our Safe Arrival Program parents MUST phone the school if their child is going to be absent (and earlier arrangements have not been made with the school). The school's number is 905-765-4860. We do have an answering machine to record messages if you call before or after school hours. This program helps us ensure that all students at Caledonia Centennial are safe! NO students are to be dropped off by parents before 8:30 AM. Students who arrive late must report to the office to sign in. Parents will be notified by letter after frequent lates and absences. Students are not permitted to leave the school outside of normal school hours unless they are picked up by a parent or permitted designate. Habitual lateness and absences will lead to the involvement of an attendance counselor. When a student is away, it is his/her responsibility to catch up on missed work or assignments during their own time. Homework buddies are recommended. Requests to alter students end-of-day dismissal routine (e.g. being picked up instead of taking a bus) are not guaranteed if made past 2:30 pm.


Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students (or any other user of technology) should know to use technology appropriately. The following code was developed by GEDSB's Educational Technology Team and will be shared with students throughout the year to keep our students safe while online. It also serves our students as a reminder to treat others with respect.

Download the GEDSB's Code of Digital Citizenship


We welcome all to CCPS. For the safety of our students, visitors, parents/guardians, and volunteers must enter the front doors of the school and report to the office. All visitors staying in the school building or on school grounds are required to wear a badge that identifies them as having been cleared by the main office and as such a non-threat to student safety.


The Grand Erie District School Board requires all parents and guardians wishing to participate in or out of school activities to have an up to date Criminal Background Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening (within 2 years). These forms can be pickup at our school office or downloaded from this website. According to Board Policy, parents and other volunteer drivers using their own vehicles to transport students must carry adequate (one million) third-party liability insurance. The policy held by the Board takes effect, in case of accident, above the limits of the automobile policy held by the volunteer driver, so long as the drivers are not reimbursed. All parent drivers must have a valid police check.


For the safety of your children, we require your vigilance, cooperation and care when dropping off your child at all times. For the safety of students and staff, please respect signs posted around the school property.


Our school has bike racks for use by students. Bike locks are recommended. Additionally, all riders must dismount and walk their bikes across school property. Bicycle helmets are mandatory at all times. Roller blades, scooters, and skateboards are not allowed for use on school property during regular hours.


Crossing guards are hired by the Town of Haldimand to help students crossing at busy intersections. Students are expected to respect and follow the crossing guards’ directions at all times.

ANAPHYLAXIS (Severe Allergic Reaction)

We have students in our school with severe life threatening food allergies. This is a medical condition that causes a severe life-threatening reaction, and could be fatal within minutes. Although this may not affect your child’s class directly, the entire school will follow safety precautions to ensure the safety of all students. Specific food restrictions will be communicated as part of the student information sheet each school year. Your cooperation is essential. CALEDONIA CENTENNIAL IS A NUT-AWARE ENVIRONMENT PLEASE DO NOT SEND FOODS THAT CONTAIN OR MAY CONTAIN NUTS/NUT PRODUCTS OR TRACES OF THESE. MOCK PEANUT BUTTER IS NOT PERMITTED ON SITE IN. ACCORDANCE WITH BOARD POLICY (AM 28). All staff are trained to safely manage anaphylaxis.

Medications (pills, liquids, inhalers) cannot be administered to students by staff. Board forms are completed and signed by a physician and parent which permit the supervision of students while they self-administer. Please request such forms from our secretary. A revised form shall be completed each school year, or whenever a modification of the prescribed medication is directed by a physician.


Aerosol products such as deodorants, perfumes, and body sprays are not permitted at school.


Pediculosis or head lice is a nuisance rather than a health problem. We will continue to be vigilant and notify parents should head lice be found in school. Parents are urged to check their child’s head regularly. You are asked to contact the school if there is a case in your family. Note: It is the policy of the Grand Erie District School Board to exclude from school property, students who show any evidence of head lice (live or nits). It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure that their children are properly and thoroughly treated, and nit-free before returning to school. Admittance back to school is at the discretion of the principal (Pediculosis Policy).


Students should appreciate that clothing worn to school must be conducive to a safe, culturally inclusive learning environment. Clothing that detracts from the learning environment is considered inappropriate. While the selection of clothing worn at school is the responsibility of parents and students, the school administration reserves the right of final decision concerning student dress.

  • no hats inside the school building
  • shoes on at all times
  • no inappropriate language, graphics, logos on clothing
  • no halter or spaghetti strapped tops showing
  • no showing of undergarments: underwear and bras (3 fingers wide rule)
  • skirts as long as one’s hands reach at side of body
  • shorts as long as one's hand extends along the inseam of their leg

If in doubt ... ask a staff member. Please remember to dress appropriately for weather conditions.


We embrace the use of technology for learning at Caledonia Centennial. Parents wishing their children to use personal devices at school are required to sign the Permission for Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices at School and follow Grand Erie's Code of Digital Citizenship. Staff reserve the right to confiscate students' personal devices if they suspect or conclude that a student is using their device in a manner that goes against GE's Code of Digital Citizenship or school expectations. If this occurs the device will be given to the Principal.


We have a lost and found area which students are regularly reminded to check for lost items. Labeling items, especially clothing, will help in returning lost items to their proper owner. Several times during the school year all the items collected are displayed for identification and retrieval. Unclaimed items are recycled through local agencies. More expensive items such as watches and jewelry that are found are kept at the office until they are identified and claimed. Any unclaimed items are donated to a charitable organization.


In September or upon registration, families will be asked to update a Student Information Sheet. Please ensure that the office is informed of any changes such as emergency contact, phone numbers, or employment work numbers. Up to date records ensure that the school is able to contact families.


Student accident coverage is recommended and voluntary for parents to consider for their child. It is important for parents to understand that the Board does not provide insurance for students against any accidental death, disability, dismemberment or medical expenses that might occur as a result of accident during school activities, including sporting events and field trips.

Insure My Kids protection plan is made available to parents, at low cost, to provide benefits for dental injuries and other accidents which may occur through participating in high-risk activities. In fact, there are options in the package for coverage outside of school hours including holidays and weekends. Visit .

Many parents may have accidental coverage as part of their employers benefit plan. It’s important for parents to review their plans to make sure they have the necessary coverage for high-risk activities. Parents may want to consider purchasing additional personal coverage to reduce the anxiety associated from an injury to their child.

Grand Erie District School Board requires that all parents declare whether or not they have accident insurance. A declaration form is sent home for parent/guardian review and signature. Some trips require that students are insured in order for them to participate.


We are always looking for opportunities to highlight our students' achievements. Occasionally, we are fortunate enough to be featured in the local news and social media. Names and Photos of students are published as a result of this process. If you do not wish your child’s name to be included in any such article or photo, this should be indicated on the Student Information Form.


Early in the school year, a photographer will be taking school photos. Options will be made available for purchase through the photographer’s company website.


In addition to classroom newsletters and social media correspondence that teachers send home to families, the school encourages families check the schools website on a regular basis for upcoming events .



o Information on Student Transportation Services can be found here:

o For transportation delays, cancellations or school closures, visit:

o Find the Board’s Inclement Weather Policy here:

o Learn how Student Transportation Services makes its decision about inclement weather here:

o If there are school or board facility closures, Grand Erie will post a notification by 6:30 a.m. on the Board’s website:

o Information will also be posted on Grand Erie’s Twitter (@GEDSB) and Facebook ( accounts



In the event of early school closing, parents, guardians or emergency contacts will be notified through the school’s robo call system and arrangements will be made to determine how your child will arrive safely home.


The school supplies many materials for daily use. In addition to these, each division will send home a list of suggested supplies that will be needed. Textbooks are very expensive. Students are asked to take special care to return assigned texts in the same condition in which they were received. The cost of replacing lost or damaged materials will be students’ responsibility.


Reading and research are an integral part of learning. Access to the school library is important. Please see that books and materials are returned on a regular basis. For lost or damaged books, a replacement cost fee will be charged to the student who is responsible.


All students are required to participate in daily physical activity. Students are required to have proper athletic wear, including running shoes, shorts or track pants and a short- sleeved t-shirt.


There are numerous ways that students can become involved at Caledonia Centennial. There are many school teams, clubs and activities available for participation all year long. Students are encouraged to participate to enhance their school experience.


Every day, students will have two 20 minute outdoor recesses and two 20 minute nutrition breaks. All students are expected to take part in these breaks and remain outside for the assigned time. Please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather. Students will be kept inside for their own safety or if weather conditions are not favourable.


Our Student Council regularly organizes pizza sales for our school. Orders can be placed online through the school’s Cashless Banking.


Important Resources

Welcome to French Immersion Brochure

FSL Homework Tool Box

This site supports parents who have children in a “French Immersion” (FI) program and wish to assist them with homework in French. It is also a resource for FI students who require an accessible user friendly reference tool to help with homework. Learners and educators in other FSL programs will also find it helpful.



Online access to Sumdog math games program. Please login to the site with the information sent home by your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s)


Online access to free educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn on the web


Online access to PBSkids games

Discovery Kids

Online access to Discovery Kids educational games and research


Online access to free educational games, online books, and comics. Funbrain, created for kids ages preschool through grade 8, offers more than 100 fun, interactive games that develop skills in math, reading, and literacy.