Fall Welcome back!

A Message from the Principal

 Our school start up has been extremely successful. Our school community is growing with more than 370 students.  Thank you very much to our parent community for your kindness, understanding and trust as students are welcomed back to the school environment. 

Our Grab and Go nutrition program has begun. Each classroom has a bin of fruit and a low sugar snack option. All students have access to this program.

As we return to face to face learning we understand that many students have relied on cell phones for peer connections. We ask if possible, please keep these devices at home.


Visitor Restrictions

Until further notice visitor access to all Grand Erie sites including Jarvis school will be restricted to essential visitors. 

If you are bringing in something for your child, please buzz the door and office staff will come out to pick it up. If your child is coming in late or leaving early the office staff will note this in the book. Parents are not able to be in the school at this time.

Packing Lunch

We would like all families to be aware that there are children in our school with severe life-threatening allergy (anaphylaxis). This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to specific triggers and can result in death within minutes. Often the trigger is a type of food, such as peanuts or other nuts. Although this may or may not affect

your child’s class directly, we want to inform you that our school is “Nut Aware”. When packing lunches please do not pack peanut butter (or substitutes) or tree nuts. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Entry, Dismissal and Lates

A few friendly reminders

-       Educators will supervise students on the yard between 8:30-8:50, parents please say good bye at the gate.  

-       Please leave family pets at home during arrival and dismissal times.

-       Please wear a mask/face covering during drop off and pick up as social distancing is not possible during this busy time.

-       After you have dropped your student(s) off and they are under the supervision of school staff please exit the property promptly to allow for physical distancing.


School Cash Online

For those new to our school, we use a cashless online system for all school payments (hot lunch, field trips, fundraising etc). Please sign up by going to schoolcashonline.com. For those familiar with school cash online, the MyWallet feature is being discontinued, and credit card payment is going to be added. For the time being please use the check payment system in my cash online for purchases.


Health and Safety

Link to Daily Screening: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/

 As you are aware, we continue to work closely with our Public Health Unit to keep our school and classroom safe. If your child is displaying a symptom(s) of COVID 19 while at school we will call home and follow the ‘COVID-19 Symptoms While At School’, document. Symptoms include Fever, Cough (continuous), shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell, & Nausea. All children in the household participating at school will need to be picked up from school.   We ask that you please have a family plan for timely pick up due to illness. The school will contact emergency numbers listed in our contact system if we do not hear from the initial numbers listed. We understand that this is difficult for families, but we appreciate you following the direction given by the Haldimand and Norfolk Health Unit to keep all students safe.   

  Please look through    A Grand Return, for more detailed information about the changes for this school year. There is also a link to the Board Website and the Parent Question and Answer (Q&A)page. 



Jarvis School

Jarvis School Playground

School Room


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