

The Hidden Valley Café is open for business! We are selling delicious chicken quesadillas!  We also have deli sandwiches, a variety of cookies, brownies, beverages and jumbo freezies for sale. See you in room 100 during the lunch hour.

Attention prom go-ers – we will be meeting right after announcements on Tuesday for pre-prom reminders and to hand out tickets.

Cheer car wash – Friday May 31st

Over the past 2 days, 6 athletes competed at CWOSSA Track & Field in Brantford. They battled some less than ideal wind conditions, heat, and sickness, but we managed to see some PBS. Amilya King, Eytan Mirie, Mark Driedger & Brenner Lammens will be moving on to OFSAA West Regionals in Windsor next weekend.

Just a reminder for the girls baseball team to meet in Paris Monday morning at 8:30am. If you don’t have a ride please see Ms. Stark or Ms. Vandendriessche today.

Bear of The Week: This week, the award goes to Calder Cleland. This week Calder has helped Mrs. Mackenzie with several jobs around the school. He also volunteers in the Café and pretty much anywhere help is needed. Congratulations Calder!


The Café is open for business! We have a variety of fresh baked homemade cookies, delicious deli sandwiches, an assortment of beverages and jumbo freezies. Come down to room 100 during the lunch hour to purchase a tasty treat. Tomorrow we are serving chicken quesadilla.

This week is the last week you can sign out books in the library, bears! The last day you can sign out a book is this Friday May 24th.

There will be a very important Students Council meeting today at lunch in room 226.

Mandatory meeting at lunch for Baseball girls. Also baseball practice after school today. You need to let Ms. S or Mrs. V know if you cannot make it.

The girls soccer team is challenging anyone to a soccer game tomorrow at lunch. Bring your gear for a fun game of soccer during lunch.


Tuesday, May 21

The Café is open for business!  We have a variety of fresh baked homemade cookies, delicious deli sandwiches, an assortment of beverages and freezies.  Come down to room 100 during the lunch hour to purchase a tasty treat.  Tommorrow, we are serving chicken parmesan over a bed of spaghetti.  A BIG thankyou to everyone who supported our annual spring sale.  It was a HUGE success.

Attention Grads, there is an OSAP presentation in period 2 Wednesday, May 22 in room 209.

Attention Coaches:  please send your MVP’s for school teams to Mr. Dwornikiewicz.

Reminder there is a Girls Baseball practice after school Tuesday, May 21.  An exhibition game will take place Wednesday, May 22 after school against Delhi.  Please let Miss Stark or Ms. Vandendriessche know if you are unable to attend either of these.