Pillar of Belonging with Guest Speaker
Dr. Jean Clinton
All Grand Erie parents and caregivers are welcome to join us for this free event with Dr. Jean Clinton, brought to you by SEAC, IEAC, GEPIC and Student Senate.
When: Thursday Feb. 23, 2023 – From 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
Where: Virtual Presentation - click here to join
About the Event: When our children and young people have a deep sense of belonging and connection, it is a positive state for learning and well-being. Let’s look at the conditions that create that connection both in school and at home.
About Guest Speaker Dr. Jean Clinton
BMus MD FRCP(C), Clinical Professor – McMaster University – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
Dr. Jean Clinton is a Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster, division of Child Psychiatry. She is a member on the MindUP Scientific Advisory Board, as well as a MindUp for Families advisor. Dr. Clinton was a Fellow of the Child Trauma Academy, as well as a Zero to Three Academy Fellow since 2013. Dr. Clinton was appointed as an education advisor to the Premier of Ontario and the Minister of Education 2014 - 2018.
She has been a consultant to children and youth mental health programs, child welfare, and primary care for over 30 years. Her special interest lies in brain development, and the crucial role relationships and connectedness play.
Dr. Clinton has also authored her first book, Love Builds Brains which can be ordered online through Tall Pines Press, on Amazon and in book stores everywhere.
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