

Assessing Readiness for Remote Learning 

In the event of a school closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Grand Erie is asking families whose children are currently attending school in person to assess their preparedness to learn from home. To do so, parents/guardians are asked to complete a short survey distributed by the student’s school principal.

Completion of the survey allows staff to work with families to help remove barriers to remote learning, such as access to technology. One survey should be completed for each child in the family.

Grand Erie continues to prioritize safety and well-being, with a goal of stability and continuity of learning, should our current public health situation change.

EQAO data

EQAO data 2013-14.pdf

2015 School Council Meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

Jan. 6th 2015

Feb. 3rd, 2015

Mar. 5th, 2015

Apr. 7th, 2015

May 5th, 2015

Jun. 2nd, 2015

All are welcome to attend!

Strong Start at St. George-German

If any parents, guardians or interested community members would like to volunteer in our excellent Strong Start Program to support early student literacy, please contact the school and you can receive further information from our Co-ordinator, Wendy Rose. Thank you! For more information follow this link,

Para athletes Visit
